Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees are attracted to soft and untreated woods. Much like carpenter ants they burrow threw the wood, like your deck and sheds. They make nest in your wood structures and cause damage. You will notice sawdust piles under the area that they have made their nest in. Carpenter bees are important pollinators but are widely considered pest due to the damage they cause. Carpenter bees resemble bumble bees but are a bit smaller, and the abdomen is hairless and shiny black. Generally speaking carpenter bees are harmless however the males can be aggressive but they do not have a stinger but the female does. Females can sting but need to be provoked before doing so.

Signs you may have carpenter bees are;

  • You notice small sawdust piles around your home, deck or shed

  • You will see them hovering around your eaves or burrowing in wood

Not sure if you have carpenter bees?

Just call for an inspection.

Our trained technicians can identify the problem areas and help with the removal of these pests. We can then give you some tips and tricks to make sure they don’t come back year after year.